
Showing posts from July, 2017

Working with WSO2 carbon Admin Services

WSO2 products managed internally using defined SOAP web services named as admin services. This blog will describe how to call the admin services and perform operation with out using the Management Console. Note - I will be using WSO2 Enterprise Integrator to demonstrate this. Lets look at how to access the admin services in wso2 products. By default the admin services are hidden from the user. To enable the admin services, 1. Go to <EI_HOME>/conf/carbon.xml and enable admin services as follows <HideAdminServiceWSDLs>false</HideAdminServiceWSDLs> 2. Now start the EI server using ./ -DosgiConsole When the server is started click 'Enter' and you will be directed to the osgi console mode. 3. To search the available admin services, Add 'listAdminServices' in the osgi console.This will list down the available admin services with the URL to access the admin services. Access Admin Service via SOAP UI 4. You can ac...

Implementing Aggregator Pattern using Ballerina

Introduction to Aggregator Pattern Aggregator is one of the basic pattern defined in SOA patterns and EIP patterns that can be used to define more complex scenarios. According to the EIP patterns “The Aggregator is a special Filter that receives a stream of messages and identifies messages that are correlated. Once a complete set of messages has been received (more on how to decide when a set is 'complete' below), the Aggregator collects information from each correlated message and publishes a single, aggregated message to the output channel for further processing’ [1] Use Case Let’s assume a Salesperson wants to get the Customer's Personal Information, Contact Information and the Purchasing Behavior for a given customer ID through the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for the upcoming direct marketing campaign. In a real world scenario, the  CRM system needs to call multiple backend services to get the required information and aggregate the re...